title: Sven Guckes: "[Vim] Small Commands - only a few keystrokes away.." Titel: Sven Guckes: "[Vim] Kleine Kommandos - mit nur wenig Tastendrücken" = talk = == Vortrag == title: Small Commands Titel: Kleine Kommandos motto: "only a few keystrokes away.." Motto: "mit nur wenig Tastendrücken" author: Sven Guckes url: http://www.guckes.net/vimberlin/small_commands.txt . http://www.guckes.net/vimberlin/small_commands.txt.html url: http://www.guckes.net/talks/vim/small_commands.txt . http://www.guckes.net/talks/vim/small_commands.txt.html = abstract = all editing requires some changes - and many are done with just a few of those "small commands" here and there. this starts with "jump commands" which simply move the cursor, so trying this should not change any of the text within. then there are some changes, usually deletions, because you should be able to see the difference to the text. the dot commands repeats the last change.. very powerful! you should also know some commands in visual mode and for managing windows because these are handy. of course there are a lot more topics - but this is about small commands, ie only a few keystrokes away. i use all of these many times with every editing i do. enjoy! == abstract DE == Alles Editieren braucht Änderungen - und viele davon kann man mit "kleinen Kommandos" erreichen. Das beginnt mit den "Sprüngen" ("jump commands"), die lediglich den Cursor bewegen. Das kann man gefahrlos ausprobieren ohne den Text dabei zu ändern. Danach kommen Änderungen, typischweise Löschungen, weil man diese Änderungen am besten sehen kann. Das "Punkt Kommando" wiederholt die letzte Änderung.. mächtig! Man sollte auch einige Kommandos im "Visual Mode" sowie zur Benutzung von Fenstern kennen, weil diese sehr nützlich sind. Natürlich gibt es wesentlich mehr Themen bzgl Vim - aber dieser Text ist lediglich über die kleine Kommandos, die nur ein paar Tastendrücke entfernt liegen. Ich verwende all diese Kommandos jeden Tag beim Editieren. Viel Spaß damit! = jumps = == Sprünge == a "jump" is a command which moves/repositions the cursor (within the current window). as vim is a modal editor, it easily allows to combine commands (copying+pasting) with moves. (we shall see about those commands later..) basic movement/jumps of the cursor by one character/line: hjkl jump left/down/up/right picture: ^ <- hjkl -> v 0 jump onto first character ("column zero") $ jump onto last character (mnemonic?) read the vimtutor file about basic commands: :help vimtutor = Number Prefix = == NummerPräfix == concept: number prefix type digits - and they'll add up to a number. then type a command - and the command is usually repeated. 3j jump down by three lines the 'G' ("goto line") commands uses a number prefix as a line number: 1G jump to first line 23G jump to line #23 G jump to last line note: the default line number is the *last* line. = jump by words/WORDS = == Sprünge wortweise/WORTweise == jump to begin-of-word (BOw) and end-of-word (EOw): b jump to previous BOw e jump to next EOw w jump to next BOw jump to begin-of-word (BOW) and end-of-word (EOW): B jump to previous BOW E jump to next EOW W jump to next BOW mind you: bew jump based on *words* ":help iskeyword" BEW jump based on *WORDS* non-blank characters hint: use BEW - it's much nicer! :-) mnemonic for users who know a bit of German: BEWegen = jump within window = == Springen zwischen Fenstern == jump to the home, middle, and last line on current window: H jump to highest line of current window M jump to middle line of current window L jump to last line of current window HML = high/middle/last = jumping by searches = == Sprünge mit Suche == "search for string" instead of jumping: /foo search for next "foo" ?bar search for previous "bar" search offset: /foo.*bar/b search for next match, placing cursor on beginning /foo.*bar/e search for next match, placing cursor on end find the next match, reusing last search pattern: n jump to next match of last search - in same direction N jump to next match of last search - in opposite direction use the current word (INcluding word boundaries) to search for: * searches for next match of current word # searches for previous match of current word use the current word (EXcluding word boundaries) to search for: g* searches for next match of current word g# searches for previous match of current word went too far? jump back! (vim keeps a list of places) CTRL-O jump back in jump list CTRL-I jump forward in jump list see also: :help CTRL-O :help :jumps see also: what is the name of that character, anyway? http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rautenzeichen :help search-offset = single character = == Einzelne Zeichen == a little faster when searching only for a single character: jumping onto/before the next 'X' character: fX jump onto next character 'X' FX jump onto previous character 'X' t) jump to next character ')' T( jump to previous character '(' example: ".. consider a function foo(X,Y) .." repeating these search commands are done with comma and semicolon: ; Repeat latest fFtT in last used direction , Repeat latest fFtT in opposite direction = scrolling = == Bildverscheieben == idea: dont move the cursor, ie only change the view on the buffer without leaving the current position. scrolling up/down: CTRL-E + CTRL-Y "extra lines" repositioning the current line on the current window: zt move current line to top line zz move current line to middle line zb move current line to bottom line repositioning the current line left/right: note: ":set nowrap" for the following to work! zh move window content to the left zl move window content to the right zH move window content left by half a window width zL move window content right by half a window width see also: :help z paging: paging by full screens: CTRL-B scroll full page backwards (like PgUp) CTRL-F scroll full page forwards (like PgDn) paging by half screens: CTRL-U scroll 1/2 page backwards ("up") CTRL-D scroll 1/2 page backwards ("down") see also: :help scrolloff = switching modes = == Moduswechsel == switch from command mode into INSERT (append/insert/open) mode: aio simply switch.. you know. here AIO includes jump to BOL/EOL A $a append at EOL I ^i insert at first non-whitespace you might have expected 'I' to work as '0i' - but inserting at the first non-whitespace is a feature. switch from insert mode to command mode for only the next command: CTRL-O example: ^ jump to first non-whitespace $ jump to end-of-line (EOL) see also: :help i_CTRL-O = changes = == Änderungen == effective changes to the buffer content: C c$ change rest of current line D d$ delete rest of current line S cc substitute the current line c0 change to beginning of current line concept: change := delete + insert so a "change" command first deletes some text and after that switches into insert mode. so it saves you another command for that mode switch. delete from current line to the end of the buffer: dG please use this when editing emails on mailing lists - thankyouverymuch! delete current and the adjacent next/previous line: dj dk deleting a bunch of lines: 10dd 99dd 9dd 9dj :-) deletes 10 lines, too. d10j prefix to 'j' command delete the current WORD: diW delete to start/end of current paragraph: d{ delete to start of current paragraph d} delete to end of current paragraph problem: the deletion takes away an empty line as well. vi style: {+ma jump to previous empty line, advance one line, mark with 'a' }-mb jump to next empty line, go back one line, mark with 'b' :'a,'bd "from line marked by 'a' unto line marked by 'b' - "delete"' shorter: "from line a unto line b - delete' command line (without using marks): :?^$?+,/^$/-1d see also: :help ex-cmd-index = using text objects = == Verwendung von Textobjekten == deleting the current paragraph irrelevant of current position: dap indenting the current paragraph: >ip mapping that command to F4: :map >ip deleting inner/all of bracketed text: d i/a ([{<>}]) examples: command description ci) this text is (inside of) outside of brackets cit
  this is preseved text which must be changed 
see also: :help text-objects = break/join = == Zeilenumbruch und Zeilenverbinden == breaking the line on a space: r joining lines without a space: gJ example: this line is/ was broken note: vi: no gqv commands vim: gqv commands! :-) = dot! = == Der Wiederholungspunkt == the DOT command! it repeats the last change command. see also: :help . = visual mode = == Visuelles Modus == (1) visually select the text (block/linewise) (2) type 'y' to copy or 'd' to delete viW visualize inner WORD vis visualize inner sentence vip visualize inner paragraph example: Every people deserves the politicians it elects. Corollary: Everybody uses the editor/mailer/program/OS he deserves. example: visual block mode... one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten = windows = == Fenster == more windows! (*not* vi compatible ;) CTRL-W n :new CTRL-W s :split CTRL-W v :vsplit CTRL-W c :close CTRL-W o :only CTRL-W f HOMEWORK! :-) example: take a look into the file /etc/passwd see also: :help CTRL-W = end? = == Beenden == :write :w :quit :q :wq :w + :q :x "eXit" only writes when necessary but why end with four keystrokes (":wq" + RETURN) or three keystrokes (":x" + RETURN) when you can simply quit with *two* keystrokes?! ZZ = thanks = == Danke == this is the official end to this lecture/talk. thank you for listening! :-) would be great to get some feedback. the following stuff is simply to make your mouth water.. ;-) = mappings = == Mappings == mappings assign to keys either other keys or key sequences. a quick way to "save" (:write) the current buffer's contents to its associated file: : map ,, :w :imap ,, :w = filtering = == Filtern == rot13: change text by turning the alphabet by half its size.. :vmap !tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m example: guckes thpxrf rot13 is also available internally as "g?" :-) #include talk on filtering with all those tools available on all UNIXish systems.. = registers = == Register == there are *26* clipboards - from 'a' to 'z'! | "a use register 'a' (start of command) | "ap from register 'a' - put | "ay into register 'a' - yank | "adap use register 'a' to delete current paragraph into or: cut current paragraph to register 'a' note: when vim shuts down then it can save all of these info to a file and pick them up again at the next startup. see also: :help session-file idea: create a mapping to copy the current text object to the gui clipboard. = command line = == Kommandozeile == :b 23 switch to buffer #23 :e # edit "the alternate file" :r /etc/passwd read/insert contents of file :r !date read/insert output from "date" command :w %.bak write a copy of current buffer to $filename.bak :w !xsel -b write the current buffer to the X clipboard :'<,'>w !wc -c write a copy of the block to "wc" to count characters see also: :help cmdline-special = abbreviations = == Abkürzungen == abbreviations may have a non-constant expansion using an internal function: iab Ytime =strftime("%H:%M") iab YDate =strftime("%Y-%m-%d") iab YDATE =strftime("%a %b %d %T %Z %Y") example: Ytime -> 23:42 YDate -> 2012-11-22 YDATE -> Sat Dec 08 23:42:05 CET 2012 = tags = == Tags == think "bookmarks", ie a word for a position in a filename. the structure of a tags file: abbr/tag TAB filename TAB command examples: :ta ta jump into tags file :ta cal jump to the calendar :ta fon jump to phone list :ta sig jump to signatures aside: calendar tool "ccal" -> http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=ccal it's now a python command! http://ghom.niij.org/ccal.py.git thanks to Michael Zeltner :-) = sessions = == Sessions == "remember, remember.. the 22nd of november.." a session file contains your commands, searches, clipboards/registers, the buffer/file list - and much more! viminfo contents: histories (command line, search patterns, input-line), contents of registers, marks and file-marks, last search/subst pattern, buffer list, global variables. :help session-file :help viminfo-file example: :set vi=\"200,%,'200,/100,:100,@100,f1,h,n~/.vim/viminfo = outlook = == Vorschau == suggested topics for more talks: * color schemes / syntax file * command line commands (:g + :s) * filters * registers * regular expressions * session files * tags please share your knowledge with others! = links = == Links == * coloring by sven.vim (todo) * Newsgroup comp.editors (todo) * Sven's vimrc on github (todo) = todo = == todo == * tab + detab * :global command what's missing? please tell me! = events = == Events == this talk had been given at these events/venues: date: 2012-11-22 20:23-21:10 plus q+a until 21:30 group: "VimBerlin" - Vim User Group Berlin announce: http://vimberlin.de/november-2012-meetup/ announce: http://lanyrd.com/2012/vimberlin-2-november/ contact: 2012-11-22-vimtalk@guckes.net date: 2012-12-06 22:23-23:42 plus q+a until 02:42 group: "Metalab" - Hackerspace in Vienna announce: https://www.metalab.at/wiki/2012-12-06_Nikolo_Vim contact: 2012-12-06-vim-small-commands@guckes.net date: 2012-12-13 20-21h group: "progressbar" - Hackerspace in Bratislava announce: http://iPir.at/lcr contact: 2012-12-13-vim-small-commands@guckes.net date: 2015-05-24 10-12h group: ducc.it event at TIM WCAP Accelerator in Milano announce: http://ducc.it/programma contact: 2015-09-19-vim-small-commands@guckes.net date: 2015-09-19 21-24h group: "toppoint" - Hackerspace in Kiel.de announce: none. spontaneous choice. contact: 2015-09-19-vim-small-commands@guckes.net date: 2016-11-06 12-14h event: OpenRheinRuhr in Oberhausen announce: http://programm.openrheinruhr.de/2016/events/505.de.html contact: openrheinruhr2016@guckes.net = TheEnd = == Das Ende == Latest change: Mon Oct 17 23:42:05 CEST 2016 the previous line can be updated with ",L": map ,L 1G/Latest change:\s*/e+1CYDATE